Distance between Paulista and Diadema
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Distance between Paulista and Diadema

Paulista and Diadema are separated by a distance of about 2,151.5 km straight line.

See also the distance and distance between Paulista and Diadema, calculated for a trip (by car ), calculated for a bike ride, on foot or public transport (bus, metro, train, tram).

You also have the travel duration Paulista for Diadema and the fuel costs (petrol or diesel) to cover the distance between Paulista and Diadema.

To find a hotel in Diadema, check the following page: Hotéis at Diadema

Distance by car :
The travelling time :
Distance in a straight line :
2,151.5 km
Cost of fuel (gasoline)
Cost of fuel (diesel)
Cycling distance :
Bike duration :
Distance by car :

Distance between Paulista and Diadema (by car) : 0.
Travel time by car : 0.
Cost of fuel (diesel) : 0.
Cost of fuel (gasoline) : 0.

2,151.5 km km0 m0h0mn

    ** Route generated in :: 0.6612 **

    Better routes from Paulista to Diadema

    How to go to Paulista by bus from any cities or places? What is the best route from Diadema to Paulista ? You can find answers to these questions on this page and even more information like trip duration, the shortest and fastest routes. Below, you have links to rent a car at Paulista or Diadema, if necessary.

    Rent a car in Paulista and Diadema

    Find a hotel in Paulista

    Comparison of Paulista and Diadema

    StatePernambucoSao Paulo
    Population300,611 inhabitants390,633 inhabitants
    Average altitude69 m784 m
    Distance in a straight line2,151.5 km
    Distance by car
    Duration route (by car)
    Distance (by bicycle)
    Durée (By bicycle)

    Routes of Paulista

    Distance Paulista-São Bernardo do Campo Itinerary Paulista São Bernardo do Campo 743,372 inhabitants
    Distance Paulista-Santo André Itinerary Paulista Santo André 662,373 inhabitants
    Distance Paulista-São Caetano do Sul Itinerary Paulista São Caetano do Sul 136,453 inhabitants
    Distance Paulista-São Paulo Itinerary Paulista São Paulo 10,021,295 inhabitants
    Distance Paulista-Mauá Itinerary Paulista Mauá 386,069 inhabitants
    Distance Paulista-Taboão da Serra Itinerary Paulista Taboão da Serra 214,523 inhabitants
    Distance Paulista-Ribeirão Pires Itinerary Paulista Ribeirão Pires 111,888 inhabitants
    Distance Paulista-Itapecerica da Serra Itinerary Paulista Itapecerica da Serra 151,605 inhabitants
    Distance Paulista-Embu Itinerary Paulista Embu 221,733 inhabitants
    Distance Paulista-Osasco Itinerary Paulista Osasco 677,856 inhabitants
    Distance Paulista-Embu Guaçu Itinerary Paulista Embu Guaçu 76,310 inhabitants
    Distance Paulista-Guarulhos Itinerary Paulista Guarulhos 1,169,577 inhabitants
    Distance Paulista-Carapicuíba Itinerary Paulista Carapicuíba 361,112 inhabitants
    Distance Paulista-Ferraz de Vasconcelos Itinerary Paulista Ferraz de Vasconcelos 167,900 inhabitants
    Distance Paulista-Cubatão Itinerary Paulista Cubatão 118,410 inhabitants

    Distance between Diadema and the nearest cities


    CitiesPopulationDistance from Diadema
    Paulista 289,971 inhabitants 2 km
    Abreu e Lima 81,959 inhabitants 3 km
    Olinda 366,754 inhabitants 10 km
    Igarassu 86,457 inhabitants 11 km
    Recife 1,478,098 inhabitants 14 km
    Itapissuma 16,673 inhabitants 17 km
    São Lourenço da Mata 88,416 inhabitants 17 km
    Itamaracá 14,969 inhabitants 21 km
    Jaboatão dos Guararapes 630,008 inhabitants 25 km
    Araçoiaba 13,095 inhabitants 28 km

    Places near Paulista

    LocationsDistance from Paulista
    Suape Port 53 km
    Porto De Suape 53 km
    Recife 14 km
    Serra do Mascarenhas 65 km
    Riacho Cotunguba 54 km
    Riacho Tiúma 69 km
    Riacho Campestre 66 km
    Rio Orobó 39 km
    Rio Marajó 39 km
    Rio Capibaribe 57 km
    Rio Tambéia 48 km
    Rio Tapacurã 23 km
    Rio Goiatá 22 km
    Rio Ipojuca 55 km
    Rio Cupissuva 51 km
    Rio Siriji 43 km
    Ponta das Pedras Pretas 42 km
    Cabo de Santo Agostinho 48 km
    Rio Pirapama 34 km
    Rio Jaboatão 34 km
    Rio Botafogo 22 km
    Rua Arlindo Gouveia 15 km
    Rio Tijipió 17 km
    Rio Muzumba 53 km
    Coroa do Passarinhos 16 km
    Banco dos Afogados 16 km
    Canal Santa Cruz 20 km
    Praia do Pina 19 km
    Picao Passage 15 km
    Rio Capibaribe 14 km
    Rio Beberibe 12 km
    The Poco 13 km
    Pernambuco Roads (historical) 14 km