Distance between Iracemápolis and Codó
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Distance between Iracemápolis and Codó

Iracemápolis and Codó are separated by a distance of about 2,051.6 km straight line.

See also the distance and distance between Iracemápolis and Codó, calculated for a trip (by car ), calculated for a bike ride, on foot or public transport (bus, metro, train, tram).

You also have the travel duration Iracemápolis for Codó and the fuel costs (petrol or diesel) to cover the distance between Iracemápolis and Codó.

To find a hotel in Codó, check the following page: Hotéis at Codó

Distance by car :
The travelling time :
Distance in a straight line :
2,051.6 km
Cost of fuel (gasoline)
Cost of fuel (diesel)
Cycling distance :
Bike duration :
Distance by car :

Distance between Iracemápolis and Codó (by car) : 0.
Travel time by car : 0.
Cost of fuel (diesel) : 0.
Cost of fuel (gasoline) : 0.

2,051.6 km km0 m0h0mn

    ** Route generated in :: 0.6482 **

    Better routes from Iracemápolis to Codó

    How to go to Iracemápolis by bus from any cities or places? What is the best route from Codó to Iracemápolis ? You can find answers to these questions on this page and even more information like trip duration, the shortest and fastest routes. Below, you have links to rent a car at Iracemápolis or Codó, if necessary.

    Rent a car in Iracemápolis and Codó

    Find a hotel in Iracemápolis

    Comparison of Iracemápolis and Codó

    StateSao PauloMaranhao
    Population16,795 inhabitants83,288 inhabitants
    Average altitude604 m44 m
    Distance in a straight line2,051.6 km
    Distance by car
    Duration route (by car)
    Distance (by bicycle)
    Durée (By bicycle)

    Routes of Iracemápolis

    Distance Iracemápolis-Caxias Itinerary Iracemápolis Caxias 148,072 inhabitants
    Distance Iracemápolis-Bacabal Itinerary Iracemápolis Bacabal 72,372 inhabitants
    Distance Iracemápolis-Timon Itinerary Iracemápolis Timon 124,427 inhabitants
    Distance Iracemápolis-Teresina Itinerary Iracemápolis Teresina 744,512 inhabitants
    Distance Iracemápolis-Santa Inês Itinerary Iracemápolis Santa Inês 67,424 inhabitants
    Distance Iracemápolis-Barra do Corda Itinerary Iracemápolis Barra do Corda 86,662 inhabitants
    Distance Iracemápolis-São Luís Itinerary Iracemápolis São Luís 917,237 inhabitants
    Distance Iracemápolis-Parnaíba Itinerary Iracemápolis Parnaíba 138,008 inhabitants
    Distance Iracemápolis-Crateús Itinerary Iracemápolis Crateús 52,933 inhabitants
    Distance Iracemápolis-Picos Itinerary Iracemápolis Picos 57,495 inhabitants
    Distance Iracemápolis-Sobral Itinerary Iracemápolis Sobral 157,996 inhabitants
    Distance Iracemápolis-Balsas Itinerary Iracemápolis Balsas 68,056 inhabitants
    Distance Iracemápolis-Imperatriz Itinerary Iracemápolis Imperatriz 218,106 inhabitants
    Distance Iracemápolis-Paragominas Itinerary Iracemápolis Paragominas 69,613 inhabitants
    Distance Iracemápolis-Itapipoca Itinerary Iracemápolis Itapipoca 55,784 inhabitants

    Other names : Iracemopolis

    Distance between Codó and the nearest cities


    CitiesPopulationDistance from Codó
    Limeira 289,665 inhabitants 12 km
    Cordeirópolis 25,630 inhabitants 13 km
    Santa Gertrudes 18,490 inhabitants 14 km
    Rio Claro 180,147 inhabitants 19 km
    Piracicaba 342,209 inhabitants 21 km
    Santa Bárbara d'Oeste 188,000 inhabitants 22 km
    Americana 196,022 inhabitants 26 km
    Charqueada 12,391 inhabitants 28 km
    Araras 107,463 inhabitants 28 km
    Rio das Pedras 23,722 inhabitants 31 km

    Places near Iracemápolis

    LocationsDistance from Iracemápolis
    Centro Rural de Limeira 25 km
    Sapopemba 61 km
    Bandeirante 59 km
    Loteamento Jardim Morada do Sol 47 km
    Loteamento Jardim Nova Aparecida 48 km
    Loteamento São João 48 km
    Entre Rios 57 km
    Entre Rios 61 km
    Piracicaba 43 km
    Colônia da Usina Iracema 6 km
    Boa Esperança 55 km
    Pinhal 22 km
    Barra Verde 7 km
    Botafogo 23 km
    Sertáozinho 15 km
    Lajeado 9 km
    Boa Esperanca 12 km
    Toledos 12 km
    Paulas 14 km
    Areias 16 km
    Jaguari 24 km
    Porto 15 km
    També 15 km
    Cabriúva 18 km
    Prado 23 km
    Pinheirinho 18 km
    Monjolada 44 km
    Policarpos 52 km
    Buracão 48 km
    Ibicatu 40 km
    Córrego Bernardino 69 km
    Córrego Bicame 69 km
    Córrego do Cunha 56 km
    Córrego Água da Serra 73 km
    Ribeirão Florentino 59 km
    Córrego da Barroca 73 km
    Ribeirão Praia Grande 58 km
    Córrego Boa Água 57 km
    Córrego Garcia 60 km
    Córrego Entre Rios 62 km
    Córrego Doutor Plínio 55 km
    Córrego Piripiri 59 km
    Córrego São José 59 km
    Córrego do Anselmo 71 km
    Córrego Ana Lucas 69 km
    Corredeira Matias 57 km
    Córrego Estrada de Ferro 67 km
    Água da Espanhola 68 km
    Rio Laranjal 59 km
    Ribeirão Marins 49 km
    Córrego do Barra 54 km
    Córrego Monte Alto 49 km
    Córrego Nossa Senhora Aparecida 69 km
    Córrego Indaguaçu 60 km
    Córrego Policeno 60 km
    Córrego Bairro Frio 48 km
    Espigão dos Morais 65 km
    Córrego São Francisco 48 km
    Ribeirão Palmeiras 47 km
    Córrego Limoeiro 48 km