Distance between Pontes e Lacerda and Biguaçu
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Distance between Pontes e Lacerda and Biguaçu

Pontes e Lacerda and Biguaçu are separated by a distance of about 1,752.9 km straight line.

See also the distance and distance between Pontes e Lacerda and Biguaçu, calculated for a trip (by car ), calculated for a bike ride, on foot or public transport (bus, metro, train, tram).

You also have the travel duration Pontes e Lacerda for Biguaçu and the fuel costs (petrol or diesel) to cover the distance between Pontes e Lacerda and Biguaçu.

To find a hotel in Biguaçu, check the following page: Hotéis at Biguaçu

Distance by car :
The travelling time :
Distance in a straight line :
1,752.9 km
Cost of fuel (gasoline)
Cost of fuel (diesel)
Cycling distance :
Bike duration :
Distance by car :

Distance between Pontes e Lacerda and Biguaçu (by car) : 0.
Travel time by car : 0.
Cost of fuel (diesel) : 0.
Cost of fuel (gasoline) : 0.

1,752.9 km km0 m0h0mn

    ** Route generated in :: 3.6951 **

    Better routes from Pontes e Lacerda to Biguaçu

    How to go to Pontes e Lacerda by bus from any cities or places? What is the best route from Biguaçu to Pontes e Lacerda ? You can find answers to these questions on this page and even more information like trip duration, the shortest and fastest routes. Below, you have links to rent a car at Pontes e Lacerda or Biguaçu, if necessary.

    Rent a car in Pontes e Lacerda and Biguaçu

    Find a hotel in Pontes e Lacerda

    Comparison of Pontes e Lacerda and Biguaçu

    -Pontes e LacerdaBiguaçu
    StateMato GrossoSanta Catarina
    Population29,381 inhabitants51,992 inhabitants
    Average altitude247 m6 m
    Distance in a straight line1,752.9 km
    Distance by car
    Duration route (by car)
    Distance (by bicycle)
    Durée (By bicycle)

    Routes of Pontes e Lacerda

    Distance Pontes e Lacerda-Florianópolis Itinerary Pontes e Lacerda Florianópolis 412,724 inhabitants
    Distance Pontes e Lacerda-Palhoça Itinerary Pontes e Lacerda Palhoça 122,423 inhabitants
    Distance Pontes e Lacerda-Brusque Itinerary Pontes e Lacerda Brusque 88,284 inhabitants
    Distance Pontes e Lacerda-Itajaí Itinerary Pontes e Lacerda Itajaí 155,716 inhabitants
    Distance Pontes e Lacerda-Blumenau Itinerary Pontes e Lacerda Blumenau 293,949 inhabitants
    Distance Pontes e Lacerda-São José Itinerary Pontes e Lacerda São José 200,000 inhabitants
    Distance Pontes e Lacerda-Rio do Sul Itinerary Pontes e Lacerda Rio do Sul 51,944 inhabitants
    Distance Pontes e Lacerda-Tubarão Itinerary Pontes e Lacerda Tubarão 67,245 inhabitants
    Distance Pontes e Lacerda-Jaraguá do Sul Itinerary Pontes e Lacerda Jaraguá do Sul 130,130 inhabitants
    Distance Pontes e Lacerda-Joinville Itinerary Pontes e Lacerda Joinville 461,304 inhabitants
    Distance Pontes e Lacerda-Criciúma Itinerary Pontes e Lacerda Criciúma 161,954 inhabitants
    Distance Pontes e Lacerda-Içara Itinerary Pontes e Lacerda Içara 51,454 inhabitants
    Distance Pontes e Lacerda-São Bento do Sul Itinerary Pontes e Lacerda São Bento do Sul 77,597 inhabitants
    Distance Pontes e Lacerda-Lages Itinerary Pontes e Lacerda Lages 164,676 inhabitants
    Distance Pontes e Lacerda-Paranaguá Itinerary Pontes e Lacerda Paranaguá 141,013 inhabitants

    Other names : LCB, Ponte e Lacerda, Pontes Lacerda, Pontes de Lacerda

    Distance between Biguaçu and the nearest cities


    CitiesPopulationDistance from Biguaçu
    San Matías 6,352 inhabitants 162 km
    San Ignacio de Velasco 23,569 inhabitants 215 km
    Concepción 6,900 inhabitants 215 km
    Nova Olímpia 19,274 inhabitants 225 km
    Barra do Bugres 31,311 inhabitants 232 km
    Arenápolis 9,059 inhabitants 281 km
    Nortelândia 9,634 inhabitants 286 km
    Vilhena 63,231 inhabitants 290 km
    Poconé 21,484 inhabitants 312 km
    Rosário Oeste 10,468 inhabitants 316 km

    Places near Pontes e Lacerda

    LocationsDistance from Pontes e Lacerda
    Matão 56 km
    Brejo do Buriti 63 km
    Campo do Encanto 37 km
    Lagoa do Encanto 30 km
    Campo do Bananal 40 km
    Brejo do Saracura 60 km
    Brejo Pau da Torda 55 km
    Pedra Redonda 47 km
    Pantanal da Pedra 49 km
    Lagoa do Clemente 58 km
    Baía de São Pedro 55 km
    Lagoa do Chapéu-de-Sol 46 km
    Baía Pau da Torda 49 km
    Córrego Tamandaré 50 km
    Lagoa do Capão 40 km
    Lagoa da Caveira 37 km
    Ribeirão das Pedras 30 km
    Lagoa do Encanto 24 km
    Córrego Água Suja 37 km
    Rio Pindaituba 44 km
    Ribeirão do Cágado 14 km
    Córrego Atoleiro 49 km
    Córrego das Lajes 44 km
    Ribeirão do Cardoso 49 km
    Rio das Pedras 9 km
    Córrego da Estiva Velha 26 km
    Córrego Castiçal 22 km
    Rio Caçado 22 km
    Rio Gabriel Antunes 27 km
    Córrego Moleques 66 km
    Córrego Lagoinha 66 km