Distance between Luzilândia and Puli
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Distance between Luzilândia and Puli

Luzilândia and Puli are separated by a distance of about 17,106.1 km straight line.

See also the distance and distance between Luzilândia and Puli, calculated for a trip (by car ), calculated for a bike ride, on foot or public transport (bus, metro, train, tram).

You also have the travel duration Luzilândia for Puli and the fuel costs (petrol or diesel) to cover the distance between Luzilândia and Puli.

To find a hotel in Puli, check the following page: Hotéis at Puli

Distance by car :
The travelling time :
Distance in a straight line :
17,106.1 km
Cost of fuel (gasoline)
Cost of fuel (diesel)
Cycling distance :
Bike duration :
Distance by car :

Distance between Luzilândia and Puli (by car) : 0.
Travel time by car : 0.
Cost of fuel (diesel) : 0.
Cost of fuel (gasoline) : 0.

17,106.1 km km0 m0h0mn

    ** Route generated in :: 1.6420 **

    Better routes from Luzilândia to Puli

    How to go to Luzilândia by bus from any cities or places? What is the best route from Puli to Luzilândia ? You can find answers to these questions on this page and even more information like trip duration, the shortest and fastest routes. Below, you have links to rent a car at Luzilândia or Puli, if necessary.

    Rent a car in Luzilândia and Puli

    Find a hotel in Luzilândia

    Comparison of Luzilândia and Puli

    Population12,999 inhabitants86,406 inhabitants
    Average altitude39 m452 m
    Distance in a straight line17,106.1 km
    Distance by car
    Duration route (by car)
    Distance (by bicycle)
    Durée (By bicycle)

    Routes of Luzilândia

    Distance Luzilândia-Nantou Itinerary Luzilândia Nantou 105,682 inhabitants
    Distance Luzilândia-Taichung Itinerary Luzilândia Taichung 1,040,725 inhabitants
    Distance Luzilândia-Yuanlin Itinerary Luzilândia Yuanlin 124,725 inhabitants
    Distance Luzilândia-Douliu Itinerary Luzilândia Douliu 104,723 inhabitants
    Distance Luzilândia-Hualien City Itinerary Luzilândia Hualien City 350,468 inhabitants
    Distance Luzilândia-Hsinchu Itinerary Luzilândia Hsinchu 404,109 inhabitants
    Distance Luzilândia-Daxi Itinerary Luzilândia Daxi 84,549 inhabitants
    Distance Luzilândia-Yilan Itinerary Luzilândia Yilan 94,188 inhabitants
    Distance Luzilândia-Taoyuan City Itinerary Luzilândia Taoyuan City 402,014 inhabitants
    Distance Luzilândia-Banqiao Itinerary Luzilândia Banqiao 543,342 inhabitants
    Distance Luzilândia-Taipei Itinerary Luzilândia Taipei 7,871,900 inhabitants
    Distance Luzilândia-Tainan Itinerary Luzilândia Tainan 771,235 inhabitants
    Distance Luzilândia-Taitung City Itinerary Luzilândia Taitung City 109,584 inhabitants
    Distance Luzilândia-Magong Itinerary Luzilândia Magong 56,435 inhabitants
    Distance Luzilândia-Keelung Itinerary Luzilândia Keelung 397,515 inhabitants

    Other names : Joaquim Tavora, Joaquim Távora, Porto Alegre, Pôrto Alegre

    Distance between Puli and the nearest cities


    CitiesPopulationDistance from Puli
    São Bernardo 11,171 inhabitants 12 km
    Santa Quitéria do Maranhão 17,174 inhabitants 21 km
    Matias Olímpio 4,012 inhabitants 35 km
    Brejo 11,636 inhabitants 49 km
    Esperantina 21,044 inhabitants 52 km
    Porto 6,535 inhabitants 61 km
    Buriti dos Lopes 9,475 inhabitants 64 km
    Batalha 8,744 inhabitants 71 km
    Tutóia 12,212 inhabitants 78 km
    Araioses 8,667 inhabitants 82 km

    Places near Luzilândia

    LocationsDistance from Luzilândia
    Alegre 34 km
    Riacho Grande 65 km
    Lagoa do Boi 67 km
    Riacho Taquari 55 km
    Lagoa da Estiva 64 km
    Riacho do Brejo 61 km
    Riacho Pedra Rachada 57 km
    Riacho das Caraíbas 55 km
    Cachoeira do Urubu 57 km
    Riacho do Saco 55 km
    Arroio Grande 62 km
    Riacho Fundo 59 km
    Rio dos Matos 64 km
    Riacho das Contendas 55 km
    Lagoa do Campo 52 km
    Lagoa da Raiz 48 km
    Riacho do Alto 48 km
    Rio Piracuruca 55 km
    Lagoa dos Buracos 46 km
    Lagoa dos Cavalos 45 km
    Lagoa da Sambaíba 44 km
    Lagoa da Sapucaia 43 km
    Lagoa da Maria Paz 40 km
    Lagoa do Cercado 38 km
    Lagoa da Ininga 34 km
    Riacho Grande 52 km
    Lagoa Malhadinha 30 km
    Lagoa Malhadinha 27 km
    Lagoa da Aninga 27 km
    Lagoa Suçuapara 23 km
    Morro da Onça 23 km