Distance between Serra and Parnaíba
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Distance between Serra and Parnaíba

Serra and Parnaíba are separated by a distance of about 351.8 km straight line.

See also the distance and distance between Serra and Parnaíba, calculated for a trip (by car ), calculated for a bike ride, on foot or public transport (bus, metro, train, tram).

You also have the travel duration Serra for Parnaíba and the fuel costs (petrol or diesel) to cover the distance between Serra and Parnaíba.

To find a hotel in Parnaíba, check the following page: Hotéis at Parnaíba

Distance by car :
The travelling time :
Distance in a straight line :
351.8 km
Cost of fuel (gasoline)
Cost of fuel (diesel)
Cycling distance :
Bike duration :
Distance by car :

Distance between Serra and Parnaíba (by car) : 0.
Travel time by car : 0.
Cost of fuel (diesel) : 0.
Cost of fuel (gasoline) : 0.

351.8 km km0 m0h0mn

    ** Route generated in :: 0.6355 **

    Better routes from Serra to Parnaíba

    How to go to Serra by bus from any cities or places? What is the best route from Parnaíba to Serra ? You can find answers to these questions on this page and even more information like trip duration, the shortest and fastest routes. Below, you have links to rent a car at Serra or Parnaíba, if necessary.

    Rent a car in Serra and Parnaíba

    Find a hotel in Serra

    Comparison of Serra and Parnaíba

    Population0 inhabitants138,008 inhabitants
    Average altitude224 m9 m
    Distance in a straight line351.8 km
    Distance by car
    Duration route (by car)
    Distance (by bicycle)
    Durée (By bicycle)

    Routes of Serra

    Distance Serra-Sobral Itinerary Serra Sobral 157,996 inhabitants
    Distance Serra-Itapipoca Itinerary Serra Itapipoca 55,784 inhabitants
    Distance Serra-Teresina Itinerary Serra Teresina 744,512 inhabitants
    Distance Serra-Timon Itinerary Serra Timon 124,427 inhabitants
    Distance Serra-Caxias Itinerary Serra Caxias 148,072 inhabitants
    Distance Serra-Crateús Itinerary Serra Crateús 52,933 inhabitants
    Distance Serra-São Luís Itinerary Serra São Luís 917,237 inhabitants
    Distance Serra-Codó Itinerary Serra Codó 83,288 inhabitants
    Distance Serra-Caucaia Itinerary Serra Caucaia 275,019 inhabitants
    Distance Serra-Maracanaú Itinerary Serra Maracanaú 193,529 inhabitants
    Distance Serra-Bacabal Itinerary Serra Bacabal 72,372 inhabitants
    Distance Serra-Fortaleza Itinerary Serra Fortaleza 2,400,000 inhabitants
    Distance Serra-Pacatuba Itinerary Serra Pacatuba 55,291 inhabitants
    Distance Serra-Horizonte Itinerary Serra Horizonte 51,171 inhabitants
    Distance Serra-Aquiraz Itinerary Serra Aquiraz 65,116 inhabitants

    Distance between Parnaíba and the nearest cities


    CitiesPopulationDistance from Parnaíba
    Estreito 17,647 inhabitants 9 km
    Parnarama 12,201 inhabitants 19 km
    Palmeirais 4,262 inhabitants 38 km
    Buriti Bravo 17,692 inhabitants 65 km
    São Pedro do Piauí 7,408 inhabitants 66 km
    Água Branca 13,912 inhabitants 73 km
    Monsenhor Gil 4,751 inhabitants 75 km
    Demerval Lobão 15,265 inhabitants 76 km
    Amarante 8,828 inhabitants 76 km
    Passagem Franca 7,376 inhabitants 78 km

    Places near Serra

    LocationsDistance from Serra
    Terra Vermelha 12 km
    Sapucaia 12 km
    Riacho da Pedra 55 km
    Poço Fundo 68 km
    Poco de Baixo 26 km
    Pedras 37 km
    Parana 28 km
    Palmeira de Baixo 12 km
    Morrinhos 26 km
    Lagoinha de Pedra 65 km
    Fidalgo 19 km
    Centro do Diamante 48 km
    Catuaba 37 km
    Canudos 60 km
    Canoas 49 km
    Cabeceira 43 km
    Buritirana 43 km
    Buriti 32 km
    Brejão 25 km
    Baixão Grande 24 km
    Baixa do Coco 39 km
    Baixa da Mangabeira 15 km
    Bacabal 16 km
    Babado 48 km
    Riacho do Quiribono 54 km
    Chapada do Pe de Serra 48 km
    Riacho Cana-Brava 44 km
    Serra da Cobra 42 km
    Riacho Santana 34 km
    Riacho do Riachão 37 km
    Riacho Vereda Grande 38 km
    Riacho Por-enquanto 32 km
    Riacho Água Boa 35 km
    Serra da Cobra 28 km
    Riacho do Saço 30 km
    Morro Velho 25 km
    Riacho Corrente 29 km
    Rio Balseiros 54 km
    Rio Inhumas 53 km
    Riacho Cajueiro 20 km
    Lagoa do Brejinho 22 km
    Riacho Terra Vermelha 21 km
    Riacho Bacabinha 14 km
    Rio São Domingos 39 km
    Chapada da Mata 18 km
    Riacho do Joá 19 km
    Riacho da Várzea 20 km
    Riacho do Brejão 20 km
    Riacho São Pedro 21 km
    Rio Tremedal 46 km
    Rio Tapuio 39 km
    Riacho do Gentil 25 km
    Riacho da Tapera 31 km
    Chapada da Mangabeira 24 km