Distance between Itaparica and Matsudo
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Distance between Itaparica and Matsudo

Itaparica and Matsudo are separated by a distance of about 17,454.3 km straight line.

See also the distance and distance between Itaparica and Matsudo, calculated for a trip (by car ), calculated for a bike ride, on foot or public transport (bus, metro, train, tram).

You also have the travel duration Itaparica for Matsudo and the fuel costs (petrol or diesel) to cover the distance between Itaparica and Matsudo.

To find a hotel in Matsudo, check the following page: Hotéis at Matsudo

Distance by car :
The travelling time :
Distance in a straight line :
17,454.3 km
Cost of fuel (gasoline)
Cost of fuel (diesel)
Cycling distance :
Bike duration :
Distance by car :

Distance between Itaparica and Matsudo (by car) : 0.
Travel time by car : 0.
Cost of fuel (diesel) : 0.
Cost of fuel (gasoline) : 0.

17,454.3 km km0 m0h0mn

    ** Route generated in :: 0.6247 **

    Better routes from Itaparica to Matsudo

    How to go to Itaparica by bus from any cities or places? What is the best route from Matsudo to Itaparica ? You can find answers to these questions on this page and even more information like trip duration, the shortest and fastest routes. Below, you have links to rent a car at Itaparica or Matsudo, if necessary.

    Rent a car in Itaparica and Matsudo

    Find a hotel in Itaparica

    Comparison of Itaparica and Matsudo

    Population20,100 inhabitants470,277 inhabitants
    Average altitude20 m10 m
    Distance in a straight line17,454.3 km
    Distance by car
    Duration route (by car)
    Distance (by bicycle)
    Durée (By bicycle)

    Routes of Itaparica

    Distance Itaparica-Yashio Itinerary Itaparica Yashio 81,345 inhabitants
    Distance Itaparica-Nagareyama Itinerary Itaparica Nagareyama 156,000 inhabitants
    Distance Itaparica-Sōka Itinerary Itaparica Sōka 231,445 inhabitants
    Distance Itaparica-Kashiwa Itinerary Itaparica Kashiwa 340,221 inhabitants
    Distance Itaparica-Urayasu Itinerary Itaparica Urayasu 143,758 inhabitants
    Distance Itaparica-Yoshikawa Itinerary Itaparica Yoshikawa 60,510 inhabitants
    Distance Itaparica-Abiko Itinerary Itaparica Abiko 131,771 inhabitants
    Distance Itaparica-Shiroi Itinerary Itaparica Shiroi 55,314 inhabitants
    Distance Itaparica-Hatogaya-honchō Itinerary Itaparica Hatogaya-honchō 53,062 inhabitants
    Distance Itaparica-Koshigaya Itinerary Itaparica Koshigaya 317,437 inhabitants
    Distance Itaparica-Kawaguchi Itinerary Itaparica Kawaguchi 468,565 inhabitants
    Distance Itaparica-Noda Itinerary Itaparica Noda 121,411 inhabitants
    Distance Itaparica-Moriya Itinerary Itaparica Moriya 56,566 inhabitants
    Distance Itaparica-Shimotoda Itinerary Itaparica Shimotoda 118,731 inhabitants
    Distance Itaparica-Toride Itinerary Itaparica Toride 80,716 inhabitants

    Distance between Matsudo and the nearest cities


    CitiesPopulationDistance from Matsudo
    Madre de Deus 14,887 inhabitants 18 km
    Saubara 15,662 inhabitants 19 km
    Salvador 2,711,840 inhabitants 20 km
    Maragogipe 20,921 inhabitants 29 km
    São Francisco do Conde 24,614 inhabitants 29 km
    Simões Filho 116,662 inhabitants 32 km
    Lauro de Freitas 141,280 inhabitants 38 km
    Santo Amaro 46,748 inhabitants 38 km
    Nazaré 25,604 inhabitants 40 km
    Camaçari 188,758 inhabitants 44 km

    Places near Itaparica

    LocationsDistance from Itaparica
    Aratu 23 km
    Madre De Deus 17 km
    Port De Salvador 20 km
    Rio Mocambo 53 km
    Rio do Braço 74 km
    Rio Araçá 55 km
    Rio Curimataí 66 km
    Rio Jacuípe 62 km
    Tabuleiro do Machado 61 km
    Rio Una 67 km
    Ilha da Matinha 68 km
    Riacho Capivari 47 km
    Ilha do Manguinho 64 km
    Rio Copiaba-Açu 33 km
    Ponte de Bicudo 62 km
    Riacho Tijuco 33 km
    Rio Capivari 40 km
    Rio Jequiriçá 45 km
    Morro de São Paulo 60 km
    Serra da Guaíba 34 km
    Rio Paraguaçu 29 km
    Rio Guai 27 km
    Rio da Dona 33 km
    Rio Jaguaribe 31 km
    Ilha dos Francêses 24 km
    Serra das Covoadas 21 km
    Rio Batatã 19 km
    Ilha do Monte Cristo 17 km
    Ilha Carapeba 27 km
    Ponta Garcia 33 km
    Barra Falsa 28 km
    Morro Cabeça de Negro 16 km
    Ponta Caixa-Pregos 30 km