Distance between Bayeux and Ribeirão Preto
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Distance between Bayeux and Ribeirão Preto

Bayeux and Ribeirão Preto are separated by a distance of about 2,086.1 km straight line.

See also the distance and distance between Bayeux and Ribeirão Preto, calculated for a trip (by car ), calculated for a bike ride, on foot or public transport (bus, metro, train, tram).

You also have the travel duration Bayeux for Ribeirão Preto and the fuel costs (petrol or diesel) to cover the distance between Bayeux and Ribeirão Preto.

To find a hotel in Ribeirão Preto, check the following page: Hotéis at Ribeirão Preto

Distance by car :
The travelling time :
Distance in a straight line :
2,086.1 km
Cost of fuel (gasoline)
Cost of fuel (diesel)
Cycling distance :
Bike duration :
Distance by car :

Distance between Bayeux and Ribeirão Preto (by car) : 0.
Travel time by car : 0.
Cost of fuel (diesel) : 0.
Cost of fuel (gasoline) : 0.

2,086.1 km km0 m0h0mn

    ** Route generated in :: 0.6410 **

    Better routes from Bayeux to Ribeirão Preto

    How to go to Bayeux by bus from any cities or places? What is the best route from Ribeirão Preto to Bayeux ? You can find answers to these questions on this page and even more information like trip duration, the shortest and fastest routes. Below, you have links to rent a car at Bayeux or Ribeirão Preto, if necessary.

    Rent a car in Bayeux and Ribeirão Preto

    Find a hotel in Bayeux

    Comparison of Bayeux and Ribeirão Preto

    -BayeuxRibeirão Preto
    StateParaibaSao Paulo
    Population91,056 inhabitants619,746 inhabitants
    Average altitude12 m554 m
    Distance in a straight line2,086.1 km
    Distance by car
    Duration route (by car)
    Distance (by bicycle)
    Durée (By bicycle)

    Routes of Bayeux

    Distance Bayeux-Sertãozinho Itinerary Bayeux Sertãozinho 99,211 inhabitants
    Distance Bayeux-Batatais Itinerary Bayeux Batatais 51,976 inhabitants
    Distance Bayeux-Jaboticabal Itinerary Bayeux Jaboticabal 69,394 inhabitants
    Distance Bayeux-Bebedouro Itinerary Bayeux Bebedouro 71,862 inhabitants
    Distance Bayeux-Matão Itinerary Bayeux Matão 72,468 inhabitants
    Distance Bayeux-Taquaritinga Itinerary Bayeux Taquaritinga 50,098 inhabitants
    Distance Bayeux-Araraquara Itinerary Bayeux Araraquara 168,468 inhabitants
    Distance Bayeux-Franca Itinerary Bayeux Franca 305,041 inhabitants
    Distance Bayeux-Mococa Itinerary Bayeux Mococa 59,654 inhabitants
    Distance Bayeux-São Sebastião do Paraíso Itinerary Bayeux São Sebastião do Paraíso 68,654 inhabitants
    Distance Bayeux-São Carlos Itinerary Bayeux São Carlos 205,035 inhabitants
    Distance Bayeux-Pirassununga Itinerary Bayeux Pirassununga 60,413 inhabitants
    Distance Bayeux-Barretos Itinerary Bayeux Barretos 101,220 inhabitants
    Distance Bayeux-Leme Itinerary Bayeux Leme 81,209 inhabitants
    Distance Bayeux-Catanduva Itinerary Bayeux Catanduva 109,612 inhabitants

    Distance between Ribeirão Preto and the nearest cities


    CitiesPopulationDistance from Ribeirão Preto
    Santa Rita 119,893 inhabitants 5 km
    João Pessoa 650,883 inhabitants 8 km
    Conde 15,859 inhabitants 15 km
    Cruz do Espírito Santo 5,812 inhabitants 17 km
    Cabedelo 54,839 inhabitants 19 km
    Alhandra 10,788 inhabitants 35 km
    Pedras de Fogo 13,894 inhabitants 37 km
    Mamanguape 27,606 inhabitants 38 km
    Rio Tinto 11,804 inhabitants 39 km
    Pilar 7,588 inhabitants 40 km

    Places near Bayeux

    LocationsDistance from Bayeux
    Cabedelo 21 km
    Serra do Boqueirão 53 km
    Rio Jacaré 51 km
    Riacho do Caldas 39 km
    Rio Una 35 km
    Rio Gurinhém 28 km
    Rio Salvador 24 km
    Rio Quandu 37 km
    Rio Una 22 km
    Rio Mamanguape 38 km
    Riacho do Silva 49 km
    Rio Jacaré 46 km
    Cabo Rouge 45 km
    Rio Obim 3 km
    Rio Mamuaba 18 km
    Baía da Traição 50 km
    Riacho da Estiva 42 km
    Rio Tapira 20 km
    Ponta Mamanguape 38 km
    Rio Mumbaba 11 km
    Rio Sarapó 18 km
    Rio da Guia 18 km
    Canal do Pôrto Velho 17 km
    Rio Soé 19 km
    Praia do Fagundes 23 km
    Ponta Canoé 18 km
    Coroa do Araçá 24 km
    Rio Araçá 24 km
    Banco da Restinga 18 km
    Praia da Gameleira 25 km
    Praia de Lucena 26 km