Distance between Cacoal and Ariquemes
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Distance between Cacoal and Ariquemes

Cacoal and Ariquemes are separated by a distance of about 242.9 km straight line.

See also the distance and distance between Cacoal and Ariquemes, calculated for a trip (by car ), calculated for a bike ride, on foot or public transport (bus, metro, train, tram).

You also have the travel duration Cacoal for Ariquemes and the fuel costs (petrol or diesel) to cover the distance between Cacoal and Ariquemes.

To find a hotel in Ariquemes, check the following page: Hotéis at Ariquemes

Distance by car :
The travelling time :
Distance in a straight line :
242.9 km
Cost of fuel (gasoline)
Cost of fuel (diesel)
Cycling distance :
Bike duration :
Distance by car :

Distance between Cacoal and Ariquemes (by car) : 0.
Travel time by car : 0.
Cost of fuel (diesel) : 0.
Cost of fuel (gasoline) : 0.

242.9 km km0 m0h0mn

    ** Route generated in :: 0.6437 **

    Better routes from Cacoal to Ariquemes

    How to go to Cacoal by bus from any cities or places? What is the best route from Ariquemes to Cacoal ? You can find answers to these questions on this page and even more information like trip duration, the shortest and fastest routes. Below, you have links to rent a car at Cacoal or Ariquemes, if necessary.

    Rent a car in Cacoal and Ariquemes

    Find a hotel in Cacoal

    Comparison of Cacoal and Ariquemes

    Population55,560 inhabitants58,096 inhabitants
    Average altitude197 m139 m
    Distance in a straight line242.9 km
    Distance by car
    Duration route (by car)
    Distance (by bicycle)
    Durée (By bicycle)

    Routes of Cacoal

    Distance Cacoal-Porto Velho Itinerary Cacoal Porto Velho 306,180 inhabitants
    Distance Cacoal-Ji Paraná Itinerary Cacoal Ji Paraná 107,697 inhabitants
    Distance Cacoal-Cacoal Itinerary Cacoal Cacoal 55,560 inhabitants
    Distance Cacoal-Riberalta Itinerary Cacoal Riberalta 74,014 inhabitants
    Distance Cacoal-Vilhena Itinerary Cacoal Vilhena 63,231 inhabitants
    Distance Cacoal-Rio Branco Itinerary Cacoal Rio Branco 257,642 inhabitants
    Distance Cacoal-Trinidad Itinerary Cacoal Trinidad 84,259 inhabitants
    Distance Cacoal-Coari Itinerary Cacoal Coari 50,490 inhabitants

    Other names : Cacoal, Cacual, Kakoal, OAL, Какоал

    Distance between Ariquemes and the nearest cities


    CitiesPopulationDistance from Ariquemes
    Pimenta Bueno 25,762 inhabitants 38 km
    Presidente Médici 11,922 inhabitants 58 km
    Ji Paraná 107,697 inhabitants 83 km
    Ouro Preto do Oeste 26,683 inhabitants 114 km
    Jaru 28,015 inhabitants 157 km
    Vilhena 63,231 inhabitants 203 km
    Pôsto Fiscal Rolim de Moura 37,949 inhabitants 204 km
    Ariquemes 58,096 inhabitants 243 km
    Aripuanã 26,983 inhabitants 268 km
    Porto Velho 306,180 inhabitants 402 km

    Places near Cacoal

    LocationsDistance from Cacoal
    Gleba Corumbiara 25 km
    Gleba Itaporanga 45 km
    Melgaço 73 km
    Córrego Três de Novembro 54 km
    Corredeira da Primavera 60 km
    Corredeira Passagem dos Índios 62 km
    Rio Palha 55 km
    Igarapé Leitão 62 km
    Rio Muqui 54 km
    Ribeirão do Cacau 51 km
    Córrego Barro de Panela 48 km
    Córrego Uacurizal 47 km
    Igarapé D’Alincourt 45 km
    Morro da Embratel 45 km
    Córrego Falso Castiçal 42 km
    Igarapé Grande 38 km
    Rio São Pedro 32 km
    Ribeirão Rolim de Moura 31 km
    Córrego Celestino 32 km
    Ribeirão Passa Três 30 km
    Ribeirão Anta Atirada 31 km
    Igarapé Pedrinho 29 km
    Igarapé Roncador 26 km
    Igarapé do Ouro 26 km
    Ribeirão Lava-Roupa 29 km
    Igarapé das Lajes 24 km
    Igarapé do Itaupsi 20 km
    Cachoeira da Garça Isolada 20 km
    Córrego do Bamburro 23 km
    Ribeirão Bacia do Arenito 22 km
    Igarapé Jassuarana 17 km
    Ribeirão Arenito 25 km
    Igarapé do Encontro 13 km