Distance between Além Paraíba and Barbacena
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Distance between Além Paraíba and Barbacena

Além Paraíba and Barbacena are separated by a distance of about 132.7 km straight line.

See also the distance and distance between Além Paraíba and Barbacena, calculated for a trip (by car ), calculated for a bike ride, on foot or public transport (bus, metro, train, tram).

You also have the travel duration Além Paraíba for Barbacena and the fuel costs (petrol or diesel) to cover the distance between Além Paraíba and Barbacena.

To find a hotel in Barbacena, check the following page: Hotéis at Barbacena

Distance by car :
The travelling time :
Distance in a straight line :
132.7 km
Cost of fuel (gasoline)
Cost of fuel (diesel)
Cycling distance :
Bike duration :
Distance by car :

Distance between Além Paraíba and Barbacena (by car) : 0.
Travel time by car : 0.
Cost of fuel (diesel) : 0.
Cost of fuel (gasoline) : 0.

132.7 km km0 m0h0mn

    ** Route generated in :: 0.6983 **

    Better routes from Além Paraíba to Barbacena

    How to go to Além Paraíba by bus from any cities or places? What is the best route from Barbacena to Além Paraíba ? You can find answers to these questions on this page and even more information like trip duration, the shortest and fastest routes. Below, you have links to rent a car at Além Paraíba or Barbacena, if necessary.

    Rent a car in Além Paraíba and Barbacena

    Find a hotel in Além Paraíba

    Comparison of Além Paraíba and Barbacena

    -Além ParaíbaBarbacena
    StateMinas GeraisMinas Gerais
    Population33,907 inhabitants122,211 inhabitants
    Average altitude148 m1171 m
    Distance in a straight line132.7 km
    Distance by car
    Duration route (by car)
    Distance (by bicycle)
    Durée (By bicycle)

    Routes of Além Paraíba

    Distance Além Paraíba-São João del Rei Itinerary Além Paraíba São João del Rei 78,592 inhabitants
    Distance Além Paraíba-Conselheiro Lafaiete Itinerary Além Paraíba Conselheiro Lafaiete 111,596 inhabitants
    Distance Além Paraíba-Juiz de Fora Itinerary Além Paraíba Juiz de Fora 470,193 inhabitants
    Distance Além Paraíba-Ubá Itinerary Além Paraíba Ubá 97,828 inhabitants
    Distance Além Paraíba-Ouro Preto Itinerary Além Paraíba Ouro Preto 63,678 inhabitants
    Distance Além Paraíba-Viçosa Itinerary Além Paraíba Viçosa 68,680 inhabitants
    Distance Além Paraíba-Cataguases Itinerary Além Paraíba Cataguases 62,618 inhabitants
    Distance Além Paraíba-Valença Itinerary Além Paraíba Valença 61,144 inhabitants
    Distance Além Paraíba-Três Rios Itinerary Além Paraíba Três Rios 71,944 inhabitants
    Distance Além Paraíba-Lavras Itinerary Além Paraíba Lavras 81,472 inhabitants
    Distance Além Paraíba-Ibirité Itinerary Além Paraíba Ibirité 141,374 inhabitants
    Distance Além Paraíba-Nova Lima Itinerary Além Paraíba Nova Lima 88,399 inhabitants
    Distance Além Paraíba-Barra do Piraí Itinerary Além Paraíba Barra do Piraí 87,668 inhabitants
    Distance Além Paraíba-Belo Horizonte Itinerary Além Paraíba Belo Horizonte 2,373,224 inhabitants
    Distance Além Paraíba-Muriaé Itinerary Além Paraíba Muriaé 91,173 inhabitants

    Other names : Alem Parahyba

    Distance between Barbacena and the nearest cities


    CitiesPopulationDistance from Barbacena
    Carmo 11,555 inhabitants 11 km
    Sapucaia 12,329 inhabitants 25 km
    Mar de Espanha 9,677 inhabitants 32 km
    Cantagalo 14,019 inhabitants 36 km
    Cordeiro 15,601 inhabitants 39 km
    Leopoldina 46,742 inhabitants 40 km
    Bicas 12,683 inhabitants 41 km
    Recreio 8,882 inhabitants 47 km
    Nova Friburgo 153,361 inhabitants 47 km
    São João Nepomuceno 23,154 inhabitants 50 km

    Places near Além Paraíba

    LocationsDistance from Além Paraíba
    Vista Alegre 52 km
    Barra 51 km
    Sobradinho 43 km
    Santa Clara 40 km
    Boa Esperança 39 km
    Espírito Santo 35 km
    Lavadeira 43 km
    Monte Belo 42 km
    Aguada 41 km
    Santa Cruz 37 km
    Palestina 32 km
    Vargem Grande 49 km
    Santa Bárbara 44 km
    Simão 46 km
    Recreio da Serra 48 km
    Zoilo 52 km
    Água Limpa 48 km
    Buriti 42 km
    São Bento 43 km
    Cachoeira 41 km
    Belém 31 km
    Fazenda Paraíso 35 km
    Monte Cristo 36 km
    Minerva 31 km
    Belo Monte 32 km
    Alto do Falcão 34 km
    São Jerônimo 39 km
    São Geraldo 39 km
    Boqueirão 44 km
    Alto da Rocha Negra 41 km
    Córrego da Barra 52 km
    Córrego Vista Alegre 51 km
    Córrego Cachoeirinha 52 km
    Córrego São João 51 km
    Córrego Veloso 50 km
    Córrego São Marcos 51 km
    Córrego da Gruta 50 km
    Córrego Pouso Alegre 50 km
    Córrego Quebra Cabeça 49 km
    Córrego Cristais 51 km
    Córrego Providência 50 km
    Córrego Sarandira 49 km
    Córrego Vista Alegre 50 km
    Córrego Santa Clara 48 km
    Córrego Água Limpa 49 km
    Córrego Recreio da Serra 48 km
    Córrego da Serra 47 km
    Córrego Pedra Roxa 47 km
    Córrego Simão 47 km
    Rio Cágado 49 km
    Córrego Ponte de Pita 47 km
    Córrego do Inhame 47 km
    Córrego do Cocão 45 km
    Córrego do Retiro 45 km
    Córrego da Lavadeira 43 km
    Córrego Havaí 43 km
    Ribeirão São Pedro 42 km
    Córrego Cachoeira 40 km
    Córrego Monte Belo 40 km
    Córrego do Resende 40 km