Distance between Juiz de Fora and Uromi
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Distance between Juiz de Fora and Uromi

Juiz de Fora and Uromi are separated by a distance of about 6,273.8 km straight line.

See also the distance and distance between Juiz de Fora and Uromi, calculated for a trip (by car ), calculated for a bike ride, on foot or public transport (bus, metro, train, tram).

You also have the travel duration Juiz de Fora for Uromi and the fuel costs (petrol or diesel) to cover the distance between Juiz de Fora and Uromi.

To find a hotel in Uromi, check the following page: Hotéis at Uromi

Distance by car :
The travelling time :
Distance in a straight line :
6,273.8 km
Cost of fuel (gasoline)
Cost of fuel (diesel)
Cycling distance :
Bike duration :
Distance by car :

Distance between Juiz de Fora and Uromi (by car) : 0.
Travel time by car : 0.
Cost of fuel (diesel) : 0.
Cost of fuel (gasoline) : 0.

6,273.8 km km0 m0h0mn

    ** Route generated in :: 1.6157 **

    Better routes from Juiz de Fora to Uromi

    How to go to Juiz de Fora by bus from any cities or places? What is the best route from Uromi to Juiz de Fora ? You can find answers to these questions on this page and even more information like trip duration, the shortest and fastest routes. Below, you have links to rent a car at Juiz de Fora or Uromi, if necessary.

    Rent a car in Juiz de Fora and Uromi

    Find a hotel in Juiz de Fora

    Comparison of Juiz de Fora and Uromi

    -Juiz de ForaUromi
    StateMinas Gerais
    Population517,872 inhabitants108,608 inhabitants
    Average altitude828 m381 m
    Distance in a straight line6,273.8 km
    Distance by car
    Duration route (by car)
    Distance (by bicycle)
    Durée (By bicycle)

    Routes of Juiz de Fora

    Distance Juiz de Fora-Ekpoma Itinerary Juiz de Fora Ekpoma 59,618 inhabitants
    Distance Juiz de Fora-Auchi Itinerary Juiz de Fora Auchi 62,907 inhabitants
    Distance Juiz de Fora-Agbor Itinerary Juiz de Fora Agbor 67,610 inhabitants
    Distance Juiz de Fora-Idah Itinerary Juiz de Fora Idah 68,703 inhabitants
    Distance Juiz de Fora-Asaba Itinerary Juiz de Fora Asaba 73,374 inhabitants
    Distance Juiz de Fora-Onitsha Itinerary Juiz de Fora Onitsha 561,066 inhabitants
    Distance Juiz de Fora-Nkpor Itinerary Juiz de Fora Nkpor 103,733 inhabitants
    Distance Juiz de Fora-Benin City Itinerary Juiz de Fora Benin City 1,125,058 inhabitants
    Distance Juiz de Fora-Atani Itinerary Juiz de Fora Atani 230,000 inhabitants
    Distance Juiz de Fora-Enugu-Ukwu Itinerary Juiz de Fora Enugu-Ukwu 68,785 inhabitants
    Distance Juiz de Fora-Okene Itinerary Juiz de Fora Okene 479,178 inhabitants
    Distance Juiz de Fora-Awka Itinerary Juiz de Fora Awka 167,738 inhabitants
    Distance Juiz de Fora-Owo Itinerary Juiz de Fora Owo 276,574 inhabitants
    Distance Juiz de Fora-Nnewi Itinerary Juiz de Fora Nnewi 193,987 inhabitants
    Distance Juiz de Fora-Ogaminana Itinerary Juiz de Fora Ogaminana 84,373 inhabitants

    Distance between Uromi and the nearest cities


    CitiesPopulationDistance from Uromi
    Juiz de Fora 470,193 inhabitants 9 km
    Matias Barbosa 12,072 inhabitants 18 km
    Santos Dumont 41,582 inhabitants 35 km
    Lima Duarte 13,480 inhabitants 38 km
    Bicas 12,683 inhabitants 39 km
    Rio Novo 6,255 inhabitants 44 km
    Mar de Espanha 9,677 inhabitants 46 km
    Três Rios 71,944 inhabitants 47 km
    Paraíba do Sul 35,517 inhabitants 48 km
    São João Nepomuceno 23,154 inhabitants 50 km

    Places near Juiz de Fora

    LocationsDistance from Juiz de Fora
    Vista Alegre 27 km
    Jardim do Mina 24 km
    Barra 28 km
    Sobradinho 36 km
    Santa Clara 38 km
    Boa Esperança 39 km
    Espírito Santo 43 km
    Lavadeira 34 km
    Monte Belo 36 km
    Aguada 37 km
    Santa Cruz 41 km
    Palestina 46 km
    Vargem Grande 31 km
    Santa Bárbara 38 km
    Simão 37 km
    Recreio da Serra 35 km
    Melado 32 km
    Vista Alegre 34 km
    Zoilo 37 km
    Água Limpa 38 km
    Buriti 38 km
    São Bento 39 km
    Cachoeira 40 km
    Belém 47 km
    Fazenda Paraíso 44 km
    Monte Cristo 46 km
    Minerva 50 km
    Belo Monte 48 km
    Alto do Falcão 46 km
    São Jerônimo 44 km
    Ribeirão do Funil 46 km
    Rio Cágado 43 km
    Rio Paraibuna 29 km
    Córrego Rancho Alegre 30 km
    Córrego do Inhame 40 km
    Córrego da Serra 29 km
    Córrego Boa Vista 26 km
    Córrego Boa Fé 26 km
    Córrego Santa Rosa 26 km
    Córrego Santa Clara 26 km
    Córrego da Lavoura 30 km
    Córrego Desterro 45 km
    Córrego da Constituição 30 km
    Córrego Melado 32 km
    Córrego Formoso 26 km
    Serra da Vargem 25 km
    Córrego Boa Vista 48 km
    Córrego Água Limpa 37 km
    Ribeirão do Divino Espírito Santo 25 km
    Córrego Simão 38 km
    Serra Negra 54 km
    Córrego do Barulho 24 km
    Córrego Triste 24 km
    Córrego Santo Antônio 24 km
    Córrego Maranhão 24 km
    Córrego Saudade 24 km
    Córrego Coronel 23 km
    Córrego Recreio 24 km
    Córrego Recreio da Serra 36 km
    Córrego Cruz Alta 22 km